Home / imusic-school / Our Partners – Music

A wide network of music partners

imusic-school has become a recognized player in online music education, supported by notable partners & professional musicians.

Historical partners

The imusic-school project wouldn’t be where it is today without the trust & friendship of our oldest partners. These professionals in the music industry were the first to recognize the value of our project and associate their image with ours.

Logo MAI

M.A.I. (Music Academy International)

Created under the name CMCN in 1989, MAI was the first music school in Europe dedicated to contemporary music. It has formed a whole generation of professional musicians who now play on stages & also make up their teaching team. A visionary project like imusic-school, M.A.I. continues to anticipate the needs of the music industry to train its students in music professions.

Nuits de la guitare

Nuits de la guitare

Patrimonio – Concerts, internships and masterclasses.

A historic and emblematic guitar festival, Les Nuits de la Guitare has welcomed the greatest French and international guitarists. Every year, in conjunction with the ATLA school, the festival offers guitar workshops. imusic-school would like to thank Les Nuits de la Guitare for their trust and support, since 2007, when they put us in touch with Romane and Jean-Félix Lalanne.

Swing Romane Academie

Swing Romane Academie

School dedicated to jazz, based in Paris and Fontainebleau. Its teaching is based specifically on Romane’s pedagogical approach: what we play on our instrument should be a projection of our voice and imagination, not dictated by a score or automatic patterns. Romane was the first artist to record for imusic-school, in 2007, and his confidence and philosophy have left their mark on the imusic-school project.

Guitar gear and software 

Logo Savarez


Savarez is a French manufacturer of strings for musical instruments. Savarez strings are used all over the world. Savarez endorses the best French and international guitarists, and is proud to support the imusic-school project, on which many of these musicians are represented.

Logo Guitar Pro

Guitar Pro

The reference software for editing guitar scores and tablatures! Complete yet accessible, with a host of composition aids, it’s sure to delight neophytes and seasoned guitarists alike!



Top-of-the-range effects and pedals, handcrafted in France. Based in Nice, but distributed worldwide, Anasounds has become an international reference in its sector.

Sheet music and tabs

Who hasn’t dreamed of playing with an orchestra? Tomplay’s interactive scores make it possible, all from the comfort of your own home! With some 40,000 scores and recordings by renowned professional musicians, Tomplay gives you a new taste for music! At imusic-school, you’ll benefit from thousands of Tomplay interactive scores, chosen by our teaching teams to complement our own catalog of scores and tablatures.

mySongBook gives you access to thousands of professional-quality scores and tablatures directly from Guitar Pro! With its original arrangements of great musical standards and interactive multitrack scores, it will delight guitar, bass, banjo and ukulele fans! Since 2021, VIP students have enjoyed free unlimited access to My Song Book from their imusic-school space.

Music apps and websites

Ce moteur de recherche connaît la musique

Qwant Music

This search engine knows music!

Logo Qobuz


Qobuz est un service de streaming et de téléchargement musical qui propose des abonnements d’écoute de musique illimitée en Hi-Res Audio, de l’achat de musique, des articles et des playlists.

Educational content production

Qwest Tv

Qwest tv

Video streaming platform for music lovers. Quincy Jones and Reza Ackbarali’s project offers unlimited access to concerts, reports, interviews and masterclasses. imusic-school and Qwest tv collaborate on the production and broadcasting of masterclasses, and since 2022 imusic-school has been offering its VIP students access to Qwest tv content.

Logo Just Looking Productions

Just Looking Productions

Based in Paris, Just Looking Productions is a leading name among artist production agencies. Since 2016, it has offered its artists to imusic-school. Since 2021, it has been running masterclasses for imusic-school with French and international artists at Studio Soult.

Logo MAI

Music Academy International

Music Academy International teachers historically contribute to the imusic-school project. Since 2018, MAI has been collaborating directly with the imusic-school project, contributing its own educational content.



Iartschool is developing a website and an online educational offer in Chinese.
imusic-school and iartschool are partners in the exchange of content and the joint development of an internationally rich educational offering.


An app for classical music and jazz fans! Listen to your favorite pieces in themed playlists and learn more about the lives of composers through articles, anecdotes and quotes. As part of our partnership, Vialma provides our students with exclusive playlists!

Logo Tomplay


Tomplay is an interactive sheet music platform. It offers sheet music in all styles and at all levels. Since 2021, imusic-school has relied on Tomplay to offer interactive scores to its students. 

Logo YouTube


YouTube is a major source of musical content and music-related documentaries. In addition to its educational content, imusic-school offers educational playlists of Youtube content, so that students can discover and listen to great performers and musicians, and discover different styles of music. After all, learning music is above all a matter of cultivating and listening to a wide variety of music.

Special thanks go to …

buisiness france

Business France

Business France selected our project to represent France at the France-China Summit in Beijing in 2015. Their teams accompanied us in our Spanish-language development by inviting us to the Digital Sisters in Barcelona in 2016, on a prospecting mission to Mexico in 2017, and to the Web Summit in Lisbon in 2018.


Agence de Développement Economique de la Corse

The Agence de Développement Economique de la Corse (Corsican Economic Development Agency) has supported our company from the outset, and has played a major role in making imusic-school what it is today!



imusic-school has joined the first French group dedicated to ED-Techs and e-education. EducAzur brings together many actors in research and education, including INRIA, Qwant, gayatech, Atos, ERCIM, the Canopé network, the University Nice Sophia-Antipolis, etc …

Music festivals

imusic-school supports festivals close to its offices in Bastia and Saint-Laurent-du-Var. While our ambitions are international, we remain close to our roots and musician friends, and are delighted to be able to support them and attend their events every year.

Nuits de la guitare

Nuits de la guitare

Patrimonio – Concerts, workshops and masterclasses every summer in July. A meeting place for imusic-school with internationally renowned artists.

1 max de bruit

1 Max de Bruit – RockFest

Nice – Tribute Rock Festival. The Festival where the best rock musicians are volunteers, for the financing of charitable projects.

Logo Festival de Guitare Nice

Festival de la guitare

Nice – Concerts and guitar masterclasses, every year in October. A privileged and convivial moment to exchange ideas with French and international guitarists and musicians.

Our Financial Partners

imusic-school is an independent project, majority-owned by its management.

bpi france


The Public Investment Bank financially supports imusic-school in its innovative projects and international development