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Guitar Rock chords – 8 rock guitar chords to know

Discover 8 chord forms that will allow you to play and sound Rock!

Here, no chords strictly speaking, these are positions that you can apply for any tone. This will allow you great freedom by retaining only 8 guitar rock chord forms! You will find here the most common positions used to play Rock in the form of chord diagrams, free download in PDF format!

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Beginner on the guitar? Learn to read this practical note!

The chords are presented as chord diagrams. If you can not read them, do not panic, we explain to you everything!

  • A chord diagram shows the neck of the guitar seen from the front as if you held your guitar in front of you. The bass string (the low E string) will beon the left.
  • The frets are symbolized by squares.
  • The black circles tell you where to place your fingers. They are numbered to specify the position of each finger. From 1 for the index to 4 for the little finger.
  • A cross over a rope indicates that it should not be played
  • A round indicates that you have to play the “open string”, it means without pressing any square.

You now have the essential information to understand this fact sheet as beginner guitarists. If you want more details on the chord grids, do not hesitate to consult our dedicated article!

Why these 8 guitar chord forms?

The choice of these 8 guitar rock chords forms is based on the fact that these are simply the most used rock! You will find these chord forms on many pieces that have shaped the history of rock. They will be very useful for you to play and compose rock.

Moreover, these are quite technically accessible chords, the powerchords are also the formidable weapon to get out of the powerful riffs typical of this style of music, and technically, they are among the easiest to learn ! If you are a beginner on the guitar, this is a good starting point to start playing rock.

For the other chords, you will have to master the technique of the barre, an unavoidable step of the course of a guitarist. If you still have some question about the technique, you can also consult our article “10 tips to learn how to make a bar chord” !

Another important advantage of these 8 forms of chords, they will give you access to a huge song repertoire! You can tackle many pieces of legend that may have even made you want to learn the guitar! Hard to do better in terms of the motivation to learn an instrument!

Wondering what is this 7 # 9 chords? If it is a little more atypical than the others, it remains nonetheless very interesting and had a considerable impact in the world of rock! This is also one of the favorite chords of Jimi Hendrix, who also can be said  the mainstay of rock ! It’s a form of agreement that will allow you to instantly enrich your game, learn urgently!

This practical sheet summarizes the forms of chords most used in rock, that you must learn in priority. In addition, these chord forms are found in many other musical styles, so they are an excellent base to start and progress on the guitar!

So that you can consult this practical sheet whenever you want and always have it under your elbow, you can download it free of charge in printable PDF format!

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